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- *Statistics Business Words
- turnover;obrat
- demand;poptßvka
- overheads;re₧ijnφ nßklady
- output;produkce
- to increase;nar∙stat
- to decline;upadat
- gradually;postupn∞
- to level off;ustßlit se
- to climb;vystoupit
- to underlie;b²t zßkladem
- rate;pom∞r
- excluding;nepoΦφtaje
- mortgage;hypotΘka
- earnings;v²d∞lek
- to rise;stoupat
- spreadsheet;tabulka
- up-to-date;aktußlnφ
- to rely;spolΘhat na
- to fluctuate;fluktuovat
- wage;mzda
- income;p°φjem
- winnings;v²hra
- bar chart;sloupcov² diagram
- pie chart;kruhov² diagram
- costs;nßklady
- average;pr∙m∞rn²
- to reach;dosßhnout
- tax;da≥
- effectively;uΦinn∞
- previous;p°edeÜl²